Juventutem - Traditional Youth at the World Youth Day in Cologne
Father Armand de Malleray FSSP
- Never since the end of the traditional Holy Mass as main official Latin rite in the Catho-lic Church in 1970 has that rite been offered
- on such large scale: in about 20 parish churches, shrine churches, basilicas, abbey churches from southern to central Germany (700 km)
- continuously during 12 days;
- by as many prelates: bishops, archbishops, cardinals (including Cal George of Chicago, Cal Pell of Sydney, Archbishop Haas of Vaduz), major superiors of communities;
- for as many youth: 1,000 from 12 nations and all continents;
- with all official approbations;
- with so many sound theologians and preachers to give hundreds of lectures on the Catholic faith in various languages;
- in the framework of the largest youth gathering in the world (over 1 million in Cologne);
- with as many clergy: 60 (including over 30 FSSP, of which 20 seminarians attended the special papal meeting with seminarians) representing all the masculine apostolic communi-ties using the 1962 missal in communion with the Church;
- with so wide and so favourable a media coverage: articles in Le Figaro, La Croix, The Daily Telegraph, The Tablet, Il Giornale, Inside the Vatican, Zenit, etc. (please see press review attached, or on http://www.juventutem.com/accueil-eng.php?file=press-eng).
- Liturgical and moral guaranties:
- All Juventutem Masses and Vespers, etc. were according to the 1962 liturgical books. We had our own clergy give Holy Communion to our youth at the papal Mass, receiving kneeling and on the tongue. Confessions were heard at all time by our priests using the traditional prayers and absolution.
- We enhanced in various lectures the necessity of modesty in dress, and had ladies from our staff remind newcomers of that rule if needed. We were also careful not to allow any exclu-sive relationships between young men and young ladies, asking even those who were offi-cially engaged to refrain from expressing mutual affection in public so as not to be an occa-sion of temptation for other single youth.
- The constant presence of clergy with each group of youth would foster genuine Catholic be-haviour. During night adoration we had security staff accompany each youth from the camp to the chapel to make sure he would reach the very destination for adoration without any mischief.
- In Marienfeld the last night, our young ladies would sleep together on one side, young men on the other side, and clergy in the middle (there are precedents of ladies sleeping among men outdoor for the glory of God : Judith in Holophernes' camp; Joan of Arc at the French army; American and European young ladies every year at the Chartres pilgrimage...) In Wi-gratzbad, we paid for an indoor dormitory for all our young ladies (extra expense increasing debt of 3,000 euros).
- Global Juventutem budget : 355,000 euros
- Already paid : 83% (about 282,000 euros)
- Still to pay after Juventutem : 17% (about 72,000 euros)
- Already raised since September 2005 : 23,000 euros.
- Still to be raised : 49,000 euros.
- Includes : Clergy : Juventutem was probably the official WYD delegation with the highest proportion of clergy / number of pilgrims. Why ? In order to ensure a numerous spiritual support for our youth, Juventutem did pay the WYD fees and expenses for all our 60 priests, religious and seminarians. That amount to about 300 euros / clergy. We ask for generous benefactors to help us gather the 18,000 euros of debt for clergy (300 euros x 60 clergy). Music : professional singers and conductor, demonstrating the value of clas-sical repertoire. Coaches : many sponsored pilgrims.
- Future
Raising funds is not only about past debts, but also for future projects, as youth ask for further Juventutem events to take place even before WYD Sydney 2008. We plan:- Youth gathering in most ancient Marian shrine of Le Puy en Velay, France, early August 2006.
- Other youth gathering in the summer 2007.
- July 2008 : WYD Sydney
- October 2008 : 20th anniversary of motu proprio Ecclesia Dei in Rome (supposing no decisive steps in favour of the Tradition occur soon as told by rumours).
- Conclusion
Even if the FIUV as such were unable to make a large donation to Juventutem now, you could already help us greatly by promoting our cause among your network of benefactors throughout the world. They would be pleased to learn for instance that a seminarian we have helped travel to Juventutem from his native Kenya has applied to join one of our traditional orders, as also happened in Congo. Other Juventutem youth, from Hungary for instance and Sicily, were greatly impressed by the Traditional liturgy they do not have the opportunity to attend in their countries, and wish to see it start soon. Many observers either from inside or outside Juven-tutem have discovered that the traditional movement is now strong and numerous and varied enough to stand its ground and help evangelize in our Godless world.