Introibo ad Altare Dei
Ecclesia Dei Delft, voor het behoud van de Tridentijnse Liturgie
The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described (14th Revised Edition)
Adrian Fortescue, J.B. O'Connell & Alcuin Reid OSB
The up to date ceremonial manual for the celebration of the traditional liturgy according to the liturgical books in use in 1962. A new, revised, corrected and expanded edition of Adrian Fortescue and J.B. O’Connell’s classic work, is published to guide and to assist those celebrating the traditional liturgy today. Ceremonies covered in this manual include pontifical, solemn and low Mass, Vespers, Holy Week and the liturgical year, the sacraments, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, funerals, episcopal visitation and more.
Looking at the Liturgy
Aidan Nichols
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has called for a "new" liturgical movement of the twenty first century to maximize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of the "old" in the century now closing. This book attempts an assessment of the 20th century liturgical movement and the brave but flawed reform to which it gave birth. Fr. Nichols reviews the reform as an historian, sociologist and cultural critic, pinpointing the areas that need to be addressed if a more satisfactory liturgical life in the Western Catholicism is to be achieved. A timely and important work which is certain to spark much discussion on the need for a critical assessment of liturgical reform.
The Modern Rite
Gamber Klaus
The Difficulties in Reforming the Liturgy; The Sacrifice of the Mass; Mass Facing the People; The Problem of the Vernacular; Criticism of the New Ordo Missæ; The Changes to the Calendar of Saints; Liturgical Participation; Communion in the Hand; Making Worship Relevant; Continuity in Liturgical Development; An Ecumenical Liturgy for the Future
"Eleven essays which provide an invaluable resource for serious students of the liturgical revolution." Michael Davies
Losing the Modernity
David Torevell
This book argues that the liturgical reforms initiated by the second Vatican Council may have seriously undermined contemporary Roman Catholic worship
Drawing on important work by Durkheim, Bauman, Foucault, Turner, Duffy, Flanagan and Pickstock, David Torevell focusses on the most crucial element of Catholic worship - the experience of the sacred - and examines how it has been eroded since pre-modern times, largely due to the marginalisation of ritual expression, and its consequences.
A devastating critique of the loss of the sacred in worship, this striking interdisciplinary study is a call for revitalisation of Roman Catholic liturgy through a "reform of the reform" and the reclamation of the importance of the body in ritual expression.
Beyond the Prosaic
Stratford Caldecott
A Pope and a Council on the Sacred Liturgy
Pope Pius XII’s ‘Mediator Dei’ and the Second Vatican Council’s ‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’ with a comparative study “ A Tale of Two Documents”
Aidan Nichols OP
In Mediator Dei Pius XII is the first to explain in a magisterial document, vibrant with apostolic ardour, the basic prerogatives which entitle the liturgy to a post of the first order in the spiritual life. With Sacrosanctum Concilium the liturgical movement was seen to have “reached its maturity.” Yet as Nichols asserts, Sacrosanctum Concilium “carried within it, encased in the innocuous language of pastoral welfare, some seeds of its own destruction.” These texts are a tutorial in liturgical spirituality and tradition. Their comparison informs assessment of the liturgical practice of the Church today, and considerations for future reform.
Beauduin Osb
Cardinal Ratzinger recently endorsed an observation made to him by a young priest: “Today we need a new Liturgical Movement.” In its origins, the Liturgical Movement was not primarily concerned with ritual reform. First and foremost it sought the return of liturgical spirituality to its rightfully central place in Christian life. Liturgy the Life of the Church, without doubt one of the Movement’s seminal works, provides a solid foundation for those who accept the challenge and the urgency of reviving and of realising this vision in the twenty-first century.
Transformation in Christ
Dietrich Von Hildebrand
Recognized as a modern spiritual classic and perhaps Dietrich von Hildebrand's greatest work, this sublime and practical study gives a penetrating analyssi of the true path to holiness for those who love Christ. The first requisite is the person's desire for change, and with that fundamental attitue in mind, von Hildebrand devotes a chapter to each of the successive spiritual attitudes necessary for those who strive for Christian perfection. The Beatitudes are treated with beauty and depth in an uncompromising challenge to every serous Chrstian to put into practice these teachings of Christ.
The Soul of a Lion
Alice von Hildebrand
Dietrich von Hildebrand, widely regarded as one of the great Catholic philosophers of the 20th century, is well-known for his numerous books, but, until this present work, little has been known of his remarkable and inspiring life. Written by his wife, Alice, also a highly respected Catholic thinker, this biography is a fascinating, moving and, at times gripping accound of a truly great man of the Chruch who suffered much for the faith.
Conversi ad Dominum
Zu Geschichte und Theologie der christlichen Gebetsrichtung
Uwe Michael Lang
Das hier vorliegende kleine Buch des in England lebenden Oratorianers Uwe M. Lang untersucht die Frage nach der Gebetsrichtung der Liturgie historisch, theologisch und pastoral. Es nimmt damit in einem – wie mir scheint – günstigen Augenblick eine Debatte wieder auf, die dem äußeren Anschein zuwider auch nach dem Konzil nie verstummt war. Ohne den Anspruch, große neue Einsichten zu bringen, stellt es sorgsam die Forschungsergebnisse der letzten Jahrzehnte heraus und bietet so die für ein sachliches Urteil nötigen Einsichten... Auf dieser Basis werden die theologischen Antworten entwickelt, die sich aus der inneren Richtung des historischen Befunds ergeben. Ich hoffe, daß dieses Buch eines jungen Gelehrten eine Hilfe werden kann für das in jeder Generation nötige Ringen um das rechte Verstehen und um das würdige Feiern der heutigen Liturgie. Ich wünsche dem Werk daher viele und aufmerksame Leser.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Over een paar maanden is er ook een engelse vertaling te verkrijgen.
Architecture in Communion
Steven J. Schloeder
Amid the growing dissatisfaction with Catholic church architecture since the Second Vatican Council, and the general lack of clear and vibrant direction in liturgy, this book responds to the timely question of "How ought we build our churches?" Drawing upon the texts of the Second Vatican Council, recent papal encyclicals, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Schloeder examines this question in depth with regard to history, theology, iconography and symbolism.
Schloeder seeks not merely to analyze why modern churches are so uninspiring, but he offers positive direction for the renewal of an authentic Catholic architecture: one that respects the traditions of the Church's magnificent artistic heritage while advancing the vision of the Second Vatican Council. The key to the solution is to regain a sacramental vision of the liturgy and of architecture, a vision that will help us to build churches that nurture the human spirit with beauty and meaning. 310 illustrations.
The Spirit of the Liturgy
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Considered by Ratzinger devotees as his greatest work on the Liturgy, this profound and beautifully written treatment of the "great prayer of the Church" will help readers rediscover the Liturgy in all its hidden spiritual wealth and transcendent grandeur as the very center of our Christian life.