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Statistical evaluation of the
Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands

by ir. J.P. Oostveen

Graphs; Participation

Graph 3

Mass attendance (1950-2000)

Graph 4

The participation of the Dutch Roman Catholics in absolute data of the numbers of baptisms, first communions, confirmations, R.C. marriages as well as the Catholic funerals (1950 - 2000).

Graph 5

The participation of the Dutch Roman Catholics relatively by the numbers of baptisms vs the total births, the Catholic marriages vs the total marriages as well as the Catholic funerals vs the total funerals (1950 - 2000).

Graph 6

The participation of the Dutch Roman Catholics relatively by the numbers of first communions, confirmation and the number Roman Catholic marriages related to the number of baptisms (1950 - 2000).

Graph 7

Average birth rate (1950 - 2000)